Light Bites 4

Ok... Blogger changed their layout. Great! Not.

Now I have to take some time getting used to it. Grrr... Facebook had better not change my profile layout to timeline too. Timeline my foot. It just makes me all the more lost looking the time thingie. Till we were born..

Speaking of time, let's go to the age topic. An issue a lot of women are sensitive about.
Ask them, "How old are you?"
They will start shooting you with so many nonsensical answers. But they never reveal their true age.

Me? I wonder if I am in some sort of trouble.
A lady thought I was 22 years old.
An unlce thought I was in high school. Like are you kidding me???
When I go out with Eileen, people tend to assume I'm the younger one and she's the older one. *shocked face*

When I hang out with younger people, I blend in so well, they forget that I am the oldest among them.
Not good.

Ah well, not going to worry so much about it. When it comes to the crunch, I should be able to handle myself. By the way, looking young does not necessarily immaturity. That I know.

A recap of what happened during the week.

I had a new experience. Hehe. :D 
I went for my first live stand up comedy!!! It was awesome.
Saw Douglas Lim in person. I have never laughed so much in my life. Especially since Doulgas is Malaysian, his jokes are catered more to our Malaysian 'flavour'.
There were another two comedians, Paul from Canada and Jen from the UK.
It was really amazing. For me it was, since I have never been to these kind of events or plays.
Now, am hoping to go for more! Hahaha.
Douglas, in his act, sang for the audience, first time according to him. Lol. He sang a song dissing K Pop using a tune from one of Beyond's songs. An old canto pop group.
Why I remember this song as well, is because an ex-colleague also sang this during our karaoke sessions. I don't really understand the words but the tune is really in you. You dig it ah? Especially the chorus section. Hahaha.

Last Saturday, I had to do a role play. Guess what I was? Hahaha. A lesbian.
And the more masculine one too. A butch, my brother-in-law said. Lol.
It was not easy la...
Firstly, I am straight. I adore and love guys. I am a girl by the way, if some of you don't already know. :P
Secondly, I have not hanged out with lesbians to know how they act.
Thirdly, how can I be masculine? With my biceps???
Let's just say it was not an Oscar performance. Hahaha. We didn't practice enough anyway. But that's gone and done with. *Phew*.

That's about it. The rest are the usual humdrum in my life. :)



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