Day 7 of 30 Day Blog Journal - A Photo that Makes Me Happy

Well, hello sexy...! Look at who has decided to dig up her old abandoned projects and continue writing about them? Me lo... siapa lagi? A photo that makes me happy... I have A LOT of photos that make me happy. Cause when you look at those photos and remember the events that lead to those photos being taken, it's funny! But anyway, here is a photo that made me burst out in laughter and therefore making me feel happy. Justifiable? Super nice warning. Talk about creativity. Let's say you have colleagues who like to roll around the office on their chairs with wheels and it annoys you. At times, you feel like kicking them or just tipping their chair over so they get up on their own two feet. How bout this notice on the chairs? "PLEASE BE SAFE. Do not roll around on your office chairs. If you fall, the chair could lose its only leg and its future as well. You don't want to do that do you? Thank You." Muahahaha. How's that? Lol. It's still a...