Random Thoughts on 22/03/2011


    I know that I am not good in talking. I was never the smooth talker like how some people are. I pause, mutter some incoherent words under my breath and am at most of the times lost for words. My brain works faster than my mouth. Even my hands type faster than what I want to say. Maybe cause I try to sugarcoat my words... to make things not sound too bad as it does. In the end, what I say come out as lame and hard to understand.

Or maybe I am not too sure of myself. Maybe... I don't know.

    Sometimes I wonder if I did the wrong thing or said the wrong thing. I know that I am not as smart as a lot of people. Huh. I have enough people around to remind me of that. By that, I mean I am surrounded by freaking smart people. Hahaha. Yea...



WyAn CoMeT said…
lol, coz u surrounded by freaking "kehpoh" ppl (mouth react faster than brain) :P
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Who's the kehpoh ppl you're referring to???

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