Day 3 of 30 Day Blog Journal - My Favourite Television Series

Ha! This one is easy!!!

My favourite television series. But I shall give you three. (minus marks for "tajuk yang lari")

Criminal Minds

These three series are the only series that I will diligently follow and watch on TV. If I can, e-ve-ry episode.
Not a Heroes fan, not a Desperate Housewives fan, not the Mentalist fan and among many others. Grey's Anatomy, however, is sort of in the grey area of my grey matter... (If you get this, good. My treat. Hahaha.)

I love Criminal Minds because it solves crimes based on behavior analysis and the Subject's profile. I never realize that simple things like age factor, residential area, past history, work category can be used to identify and hunt down a suspect. I like it how they can check (hack?) into any government website and do crosschecks from the databases. In this series, there is no (maybe a little) lab science activity involved at all! And yet they are able to solve their crimes. Coolness.

NCIS? To me, is a like a mix of Criminal Minds and CSI. I prefer the original version with Gibbs as the leader. Not the new one currently on air on 8TV. Abby, their lab scientist, is one cool eccentric lady with Gothic makeup, funny hairstyle and an obsession with Slurpee (their version). Their investigation is based more on crimes involving the Navy base. So you see victims in sailor's or pilot's uniform. Oh oh, there's also the coroner known as Ducky. He likes to speak to himself and the corpse. What to do kan, in the mortuary alone with lifeless corpses for company. But have you heard, "Dead men tell no tales?".... Hahaha!

Gibbs..!!! :D

I used to watch the original CSI series, now known as CSI Vegas. Then, it was the must watch show. When spin offs like CSI:Miami and CSI:New York aired, I didn't like those versions. Partly I suppose because I am so used to the usual characters. But now I find CSI:NY acceptable. Lol. CSI:Miami has rarely been on my watch list because the timing is never right. However, I do remember the team leader's name, Horatio. Hahaha. CSI combines firepower and lab analysis to catch their criminals. One thing I like about CSI is when they use the machines to test for blood, chemical compounds etc. Terms like HPLC, GLC, oleic acid, pentyl ester come up and I tend to go, "Oh oh I know what it is..!!!" Reminds me of my study days in Uni. Should have paid more attention. Hmm.....

 The Ori CSI!!!

Well, that's about it. My THREE favourite television series. :D
I should have studied forensic science. But then again, I faint at the sight of blood. So, oh well.


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