E's ROM Weekend

ROM - Registration of Marriage
Eileen's officially and legally married!!! Yay!! Congrats my dear sis. <3
Our family headed down to Malacca for her registration which was held on Saturday...

We left on Friday evening, got stuck in some jam and finally reached at about 9pm. Waited for the whole KL gang to arrive before having our dinner cum supper... (10pm dinner *shudders*) Where we headed to? McQuek's Satay Celup. Not your normal satay cooked over a flame, McQuek's satay is where you dip sticks of raw food into a pot of hot boiling peanut sauce. It's a bit like steamboat only it's sauce and your food is on sticks.

The uncles, Timmy, Joel and Matt. Check out the pot of peanut sauce.. yummy. Throat killer though.

The happy couple!!

A collage of where we stayed in Malacca. It's a whole house rented out to anyone who needs a place to stay. RM250 per night. Three bedrooms, three bathrooms (thank goodness), can comfortably fit 8 people or more if you want to rough it out.

Saturday morning was the registration itself held at the Heng Ann Association. No photos of it as our camera died on us. Luckily we have other photographers, so we will just have to wait for it. Godpa, Nick and Shirleen... Photos..!!

Went for lunch. After that, everyone went their different ways. The aunties went shopping, the uncles gathered somewhere for chit chat over a cup of tea (sounds odd) and the rest of us went to catch a movie.

Dataran Pahlawan mall has seriously expanded since the last time I went to Malacca. There's another wing extending known as Hatta Square or some sorts. Anyway, didn't know what movie to watch, in the end we decided on Sucker Punch.

No pun intended, but Sucker Punch sucked....

Unless of course you love to see girls in knee high stockings, boots, mid-drift tops, cleavage plunging necklines, thigh high pleated skirts that twirl around when they move. Then, *in a cheesy tone* this movie is the right one for you!!! Bleah... This movie left me feeling as if I lost a million brain cells. I wasn't the only one. All of us came out wondering what ON earth happened in there.... One thing that I really don't get is, why must the girls dress as such just to fight??? For the male viewers right? Hahahaha. Exactly.

If you feel you have more intelligence than you can handle, then by all means, do go and watch this movie. You'll 'enjoy' it... I think.

Oh before I forget, let me introduce to you someone new I met in Malacca.

Ta-da!! Pepper..!! 

Ain't she adorable? She's a grown dog but a miniature one. She yips a lot when we come and always wants attention. That's when we stick out our hands through the fence and play with her. Uber cute! In the future, if I do ever get two dogs of my own, I'm gonna name them Pepper and Salt. Cool eh? Ngek ngek.

And a picture of me.... posing... hahaha. Normal la... that's what all girls do. *wink* And guys too!!! Don't lie. No idea why it's called camwhore though... It sounds horrible. Poser doesn't sound that good but at least it's better than 'whore'. Might as well call it "camslut". Eesh.

Oohhh... My hair IS black.. Like charcoal.

That's all!!
P/S: Just realized I didn't blog much about Eileen's ROM at all.. Hahaha.Oh well. We'll just wait for the wedding ceremony and dinner then.


JeNz said…
congrats math!ur home is one family member merrier!

Ouh..yes..I didn't watch sucker punch bt I think it looks more like a video game than movie from the trailer n yea..that sucks!
JeNz said…
sorry ..I meant kath...haha...phone typo
Kath said…
Thank you Jenny!!! Hehehe. I can feel the pressure now. LOL.
chian said…
nice dress!! you should wear it when we're going out ;)
Kath said…
>Chian: You're here!!! Lol. Thank you. Hahaha. It's more of a summer dress though. But I don't mind wearing it. Hehe. And get compliments. :P
chian said…
if you don't mind compliments from me please wear this out next time haha.

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