Day 4 of 30 Day Blog Journal - My Favourite Quote

    Life as it is... the grass is never greener on the other side. Most of us would have known that by now. Like yours truly, wished that she could have gone overseas for her studies. Some having studied overseas, still opting to come back to Malaysia to work. Some of us working, think that continuing our studies would be better. Those who have gotten a postgraduate degree envies those who have a stable income as they begin to embark into the working world.

Ha! Life...

     Is determined by how you want it to be I suppose. Your choice 100%. The situations that occur may not be exactly what you want. But it is up to you. It is you who makes out how you want your life to be. There's a quote that says, "90% of life is decided by how you react." Lol. I have this quote written on a piece of paper and pasted on my computer. To remind myself.

     In other words, I have the choice to make my life as it is. I have the choice to either think positively or negatively. It's your choice how you want to react to situations, your choice on how people affect your mood. You can choose to learn from your mistakes or harp on it. Hahaha. Simple isn't? However, it's easier said than done. (There I go again being negative. >.<)

     Like during uni days, when you're rushing your thesis. You need 250 pages typed and compiled (example). You've completed 50 of it. I used to go, "Oh crap!!! I still have 200 to go..." That is true but you have also completed 50 of it which you no longer have to worry about. So then, you can concentrate on the other 200 pages. :)

     I was 'arguing' with a colleague over some matters. We just have different opinions. An example will be like, you have let say a quantity of 250 of a product to sell. You have to get it out as soon as possible. 
His thinking was, "We still have over 200 of these things to sell!!" 
My thinking was, "Oh great!! We sold four of it today." 
Meaning we have less four of the said product to be worried about.
See the difference? I don't think we're wrong. We just see from different perspectives which is good in a way. It complements each other somehow. I understand his point of view and he understands my point of view.

     I know my thinking and how I see things may be a bit quirky to a lot of people. But really, it helps me.

     We just have to think on the positive side of life. Believe me, it isn't easy. Many times I felt like a total moron (LOL at this word, inside joke) or an imbecile at the things I have done wrong. I got really upset with myself. Then I mentally slapped myself and said, "Hello? It's just a small thing. Get going. There are people out there with bigger problems than you!! You ain't called Kathleen for nothing." Hahahaha. Sounds weird right? Yea, but that's what runs in my head every now and then. Just don't stare at me when I do that.

So, my favourite quote, "90% of life is decided by how you react." 

P/S: This post wasn't meant to be for the 30 Day thingie. I was feeling kinda lost and awkward the past few weeks. So I wrote part of this down. But yes, I'll be ok. Hahaha.(Don't we all say that?)


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