Korean Drama Addiction

I am too addicted with these Korean dramas!
I thought it died off years ago.
But now I am back to the exhilarating rush of sitting in front of the computer (used to be the tv), chasing after every darned episode!!!
I will be hoping and praying silently for the new episode to be out every single time!!

Don't I have any other things better to do? (I do but... addiction is addiction.)

Must really not go to that website.
But I cannot help it, there are just too many eye candies in the drama....
*hand reaches slowly for the mouse and hovers over said website*

Someone stop me.

*in a chirpy voice*
I'll let you know later which drama I am now after... Lol.

Ok, the episode did not load successfully on my computer. Hmph. Fine. Off to bed then.

*narrows eyes*
I'll come back for you my dear drama....


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