A Hole in One, Not

YK came to see me at work yesterday as she was off early. She had not eaten lunch and it was almost 4pm. So we went down to where all the food shops were located so that she could have her fill.

Then still feeling a bit unsatisfied, (itchy mouth syndrome, I call it) we popped over to Big Apple Donuts to grab something to stuff our mouths with. (Yea, I know. Cream!! Sugar!! Calories!! Fat fat!!) *sticks tongue out*

While we were deciding which mouth-watering, eye-dazzling donuts were gonna be our winners, I spotted something so odd I thought my eyesight deteriorated again.

Notice anything?

I pointed it out to YK who also agreed with me. Know what it is?
A freaking piece of rubber band on top of a donut...!!!  Huh. (I thought it was a strand of yee mee at first. Lol.)

A closer look. Obvious ain't it?

How could they have not spotted it??? The rubber band most probably dropped onto the donut when it snapped. But hello... QC QC. Check your goods especially of this kind when it's open-aired. Anything can drop... from coins, to dust, to flies to who-knows-what else. Hahah.

Unless Big Apple is coming up with some new creations. A fusion, East meets West: green tea, yee mee, sugar, cream and fat oily dough. I pass... Lol.

In case you are wondering, we did still get our donuts in the end, just not this flavour. ;)

Tuck in!


chian said…
i'm starting to miss big apple OMG
Kath said…
Eat la.... once in a while is ok... Heheh. And you have sth else to help you too right? Burn fat. :P

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