An Accident in the Gym

You normally see these kind of accidents happening to other people, people you do not know. These kind of accdients are popular "nominees" in shows like America's Funniest Home Video (No idea why they think it is funny....). You normally watch and go "OM Gosh!!", or you take a deep breath in shock. You would never expect it to happen to you.

Now you can say that these accidents happened close to home. Too close.
It happened to me.

Any idea what kind of accident I am referring to?

Yes, I fell off a freaking MOVING treadmill. Urgh!

My bruised right knee... And this is even with my long cotton track bottoms. Imagine if I wore shorts.... I think it will be worse.

A close up. Skin peeling. The red dots are a result of a hard knock impact of skin and treadmill surface. :o

Besides my knee, I also scratched skin off my right foot and I bruised my right forearm and elbow as well. Huh.

What happened was idiotic. My fault I would say or rather my coordination was off at the time of the incident. I set the treadmill at the speed level of 6.5 (How fast it actually is, I would not know. I only know that I had to jog to keep up with the pace.). Everything was ok until I decided I wanted to take a breather. (Asthamtic base...hmph.)

Instead of decreasing the speed or pausing the the treadmill, yours truly decided to let it run continuously. Of all the stupid decisions to make...

In case, you do not know what a treadmill is. Lol. :P

Grabbing both sides of the hand support of the treadmill, I put my left foot at the side of treadmill. (Not the moving band) No idea why my body did what it did, but my right foot was placed back on to the moving band, instead of placing it together with my left foot. Next thing I knew, I was gripping onto the support for life (pun intended), lost my balance, hit the treadmill and fell back with its momentum, hitting the floor and landing on my back. And in cases of shock, people react differently. I laughed. I freaking laughed when I landed down on the floor. Only then I had the common sense (lacking nowadays) to see if I was ok.

I must have scared my three other colleagues in the gym. Sorry girls. Had to put ice on the bruises and rubbed it in. Ouch!!!

Lessons to be learnt : Do not laugh, be focused, and do not assume things like that will never happen to you.

Take heed.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
My reaction was the same when I fell, I laugh instead of cry...LOL, I guess the joy of the Lord is with us...hehe...

Good sharing, should focus more (saying to myself also), and be careful!

Then, I prefer running my own pace instead of using avoid falling also, at least you can stop at any time...though there are people fall during their run, due slippery road or bumpy road.

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