Discipline and Children Nowadays

        Is it just me or are parents nowadays (my generation *gasps*) really more lax with their children in terms of discipline? Either that or they do not know how to handle their children. I cannot help but get annoyed at them, both the parents and the kids.

Children these days do not know how to behave, screaming shouting in church mind you. And what does the mom do? "Sshhh!!! Sshhh!!!"


        As if the child will listen. That's all she did!!! No action taken, just shushing him. I was so busy observing this spectacle take place in front of me I did not really concentrate during Mass.... Sigh. My fault. So annoying! I felt like scolding the kid right there and then. Believe me, I was really taking a lot of deep breaths to treat them as invisible things.

If I were to behave like that in church during my time (Gosh, I sound old), I won't live to see the next day man. Do you know how strict my mom was on me?

        I was caned (being naughty la), tortured, abused  made to kneel down and finish my dinner (cause I eat very slooooowwww...), grounded till my homework was done (again cause I am too slow....perfectionist my mom said), no cartoons, no candies or chocs, basically a lot of restrictions on me.

And yes, I have cried and cried and ran away and stuff. Hahaha. Oh ya, I was also a tattle tale. I told on my younger sister when she threw her vitamins behind the oven. I was 5 ok? And she was 4...hahaha. My mom still keeps the note I wrote to tell her. Heh. :P

Being the eldest of four, I think I took the brunt of all the punishments because when my mom had me, heck, she's also a new mom. My two younger sisters have it easier. Oh but they can't escape from me cause I'll definitely "bully" them back. Hahaha.

But see, I grew up into this lovely young lady (conceited much? Lol). Well-behaved, disciplined, has table manners, has respect for elders, in a summary, I have "home teachings". You3 Jia1 Jiao4. Yao kar kao. Thank you mommy!!! And daddy of course.

        Discipline is lacking not only in church, I also observe it in shopping malls and in the place where I work!! Kids come running in screaming and shouting in a freaking enclosed area. Then they will start running around the shop, their shoes making noises with the wooden floors. As if that is not bad enough, these kids really know where all the good hiding places are. The changing room, the space beneath the shelves, the display area. They will be in, out, everywhere!! And then, they will start "redecorating" the whole place for you. Urgh!!!

*puts on sinister smiley face*
And what do the parents do? Nothing. The most they will do is say, "Kenneth..." to the kid. Kid stays quiet for five seconds and then the chaos starts again. Sigh. I understand you need my explanation for the products but for goodness sakes, I cannot think with a clear mind when there is so much of noise going on. Five kids at one shot. Worse, when one starts to cry. I can only keep my poker face on and smile but on the inside I feel like spanking all five kids!

If you are not going to discipline your kids, then let me do it for you eh?

        Oh oh but there was one time when a family with four kids entered the shop as well. They were not Asians, most probably from the land where milk and honey flows countries like US or Britain, as they did not have Aussie slang or Kiwi slang. The dad was browsing our products while the mom and kids waited outside the shop. Later, the mom came in and brought all four adorable kids in as well (I like kids but I have a limit to naughty ones.). Mom came over to provide "consultation" to dad. The shop was SO quiet you could hear a pin drop, with only dad and mom discussing.

The kids were not anywhere I could see, so I sort of walked to the front of the shop to see where they were. And you know what? It was utterly adorable and unbelievable as well!!! All four kids were sitting quietly on the floor in front of the counter!!! They were so well-behaved it was incredible... Really!!!

        Future parents take note. Do not hesitate to use the rotan! Words alone are not enough. Actions speak louder than words. Tell your children you mean business. Cane your children whenever necessary (not to fill your leisure time la duh). Remember the Chinese saying, "da3 shi teng2, ma4 shi ai4". Literal translation: To beat is to love, to scold is... also to love. Hahaha. However you must of course know when and how to use the rotan ok? Don't abuse your children! (Later you get thrown into jail)

 Nightmares.... That would be me holding the cane.

If you're not going to cane them at all , I will do it for you. Gladly. For a fee of course.... :)

P/S: I love kids ok... Just can't stand how some of them are so spoiled.


David said…
Good points re disciplining naughty children Kath. A good spanking can work wonders and the cane should be in every household!
Kath said…
Yup, so true! A beating once in a while is necessary. Thanks.

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