How I Pluck My Armpit Hairs

Hello everyone!!

As requested by a certain someone, I am here to blog about how I pluck my armpit hairs... *roll my eyes* And teach you too!

First, you must either wear a sleeveless top or wrap a towel around you or just be in your birthday suit. Heh.

Second, get your tweezers or that thingamajig and hold it in your hand. Find a mirror. Either your bathroom one, your cupboard one or a small table top one. Anything's fine as long as you can see your self in it!!

Then, guess what. Lift your arms. One at a time duh. If you lift both at the same time, how are you going to pluck the hairs???

Face the mirror. Move your eyes to your armpit area and scrutinize it for hairs that may be seen creeping around. Open your tweezers and make sure the hair shafts are in between the two flat 'blades'. Then close it.

Make sure you have a firm grip. Now, close your eyes and PUUULLLLLL!!!!!

Repeat process until you're happy or just too tired to bother. LOL.



JeNz said…
Kath said…
Sorry... blame it on KT... HE la, kacau only. He better be entertained..!

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