The Day I got Caffeine ODed

I have never been tolerant with caffeine. Still am not and most probably will never be.

Took coffee once during my exam period to give me that extra boost of mental focus. I was very alert but I could not study at all. I could barely sit down and my hands were shaking like that of a person with Parkinson's. Hence, I have always been careful with drinks like coffee.

However, last Thursday I got over-dosed with caffeine. Went to gym and took a full dose of a pre-workout (containing caffeine and other stimulants), forgetting I had already taken something with caffeine at about 5pm that same day. And that made it worse.

I began to feel hot and started to sweat. My heart couldn't stop beating fast and my head was throbbing like crazy. To add to the effects I already felt ,we were doing leg workouts. Blood rushed to our legs more than to our heads. Experienced a bit of dizziness and I felt like I was walking in a dreamland. As if everything I was seeing or doing was not real. At all!

I felt high. (Heck, even higher than when I took alcohol) I couldn't stop working out. You just felt like you had to do something. Was jumping around the gym. (Yea, I know, embarrassing) Instead of concentrating on workouts for one or two body parts, I was doing almost every exercise I could do. Arms, legs, abs, cardio.

I was hyper!!!

At the same time, I also felt like vomiting. Which thank God did not happen.

Cheryl and Chooy, my colleagues felt it too. Cheryl had it worse than me whereas Chooy only began to feel the effects after our gym session. Lol. We still managed to sleep that night though Cheryl and I woke up still feeling our hearts beating at a faster pace.

Lesson to be learnt: When trying new stuff, always take them in small dosages. And, don't be forgetful!!!

Would I still try pre-workouts? Hell, yeah!! But milder ones and not the full dosage. Haha.


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