Studying Phyto

She slammed her notes down in frustration.
Dang it! I can’t study! Argh!” She said out loud, while burying her head into her hands.
Phyto phyto phyto!! Why are you such a pain in my butt and my neck?” Muttering to herself as she went into the kitchen to look for more snacks to snack on.

Nope, she was not hungry. Just stressed. And being stressed does these kinds of things to her. Sleeping and eating, both are forms of escapism for her. To escape from her studies. And that is why, after every bout of exam fever, she gains a few pounds, loses it over the semester and gains it back when exam comes again.

But thankfully, she could understand a bit of this subject, though it was still too little in her honest, humble opinion.

M-o-m! Why isn’t there anything to eat in this house ah? So poor meh?” Sigh. And the refrigerator door is slammed closed again.

You eat us poor lo.” Her mom replies.

Aiya….” She goes to the larder this time round and opens it up. Boxes of IKO biscuits and some expired junk stare back at her.

Bleah! So ‘boring’… Eesh. Eat IKO biscuits till I sien adi la.” Making a face, she shuts the larder close.

Bread? Nah, had that for breakfast. Jacob’s? Again??? Adoi. Fried egg? Had egg already today. Nope. Crap…” She says to herself while walking around the kitchen.

Mou ye sek ge” (Nothing to eat also)

Zi ki hui mai lo..” Miss mommy tells her. (Go and buy it yourself)

Sure or not? Later I buy food till we ‘poor’ again then how?” She says while laughing.

Aiya, go la go la. Go satisfy your cravings for whatever sweet things. Eat already then study.” Generous mommy says, chasing her out of the kitchen.

Okay!” She hugs her mom and a happy-not-hungry-yet-craving-for-food girl runs out of the house in search for her favourite food.

The End!

The above excerpt did not really happen but it is what the author imagines may and possibly happen during one of these days. It is what she envisions herself doing. You never know. :)


Anonymous said…
*sweats* after all that, you tell me that it's all only in your brain...
Kath said…
Hahaha. But it really does sound like what could happen you know?..Hehe.
Anonymous said…
Why don't you update us with something that REALLY DID HAPPENED? XD

Anyway, i've pretty much lost my fighting spirits after the phytochem paper... *sobs* I'm going for the sup anyway....
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
kath, really *sweats* !!! having same thought as neko...agreed of her statement...

hey neko, why so fast conclude?
Kath said…
Must be more creative ah...haha. But sounds like it did happen right.. almost...hahah.
chian said…
eh i love IKO biscuits :X

not Ike
Kath said…
I have a lot of IKO biscuits! What's Ike..also a brand? Never notice it before..haha.
Anonymous said…
if neko going for sup then i'll be repeating the whole sem i guess =P
Anonymous said…
@Mandy: Ain't you just making fun of me, mandy? *sobs*

@Tee: Because i really did badly... could say worse than genetics... *wails*

@Kath@Chian: haven't heard of Ike either... *question marks floating around*
Kath said…
Nobody have to sit for entre supp la gua I think... :P

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