
Let's play a guessing cum spotting game shall we?

Look at this pic and tell me what is odd about it. No trick question. There is something odd, which two of my friends noticed it and hence the picture. Though this picture seriously does not do any justice to me I think. Bleah... (Sorry Ei-Leen!! Hahah)

Leave your answers...! Curious to know what YOU see...

See who has the sharpest eye.

And no! You two are not allowed to give the answer!! You know who you are. Haha :D
Hints can gua... :P

Wei... I look like I have moles on my face! Darn pimples!


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
follow my trick this girl!
anyway, I'm here to spam!..not guessing any...LOL
are you trying to show your earrings?
Kath said…
Huh? What trick oh? No trick leh..
Hmm... yea it's something to do with the earrings.. look carefully.
j e n n y said…
i enlarged it till i can see ur ricole logo..LOL...ur earring broken rite?
chian said…
you look stunning ahaha
how come it does not look like your hands? lol

hmm your friends have eagle eyes
Kath said…
Hahaha.. Yea Jenny got that right. I actually liked the asymmetrical look. Short and long earring. So wore it anyway. Haha.

Chian: Stunning? *Cough* Hahaha. My beautiful rough hands le.. 100%.

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