I Lost my Touch 'N' Go Card

I lost my Touch 'N' Go card!!!
Cham lo... my fault for putting it in my jean's back pocket!! What was I thinking!! So mad at myself. Stupid thing to do.
Remind me to never do that again. To take care of all my belongings when aboard any public transport. Even though I've been extremely careful already. Apparently it's not ENOUGH!
I either dropped the card as I tried to enter the sardine-packed train or someone snitched it off my butt since it's so crowded and everyone's practically touching everyone.

That piece of plastic thing contains RM 50 ++ credit worth ok?!! Crap lot of money in there... :'(
*Bangs head on the wall*
*Faints from the intense pain on my head*


Anonymous said…
eh i remember u lost ur Touch N Go b4 leh...i think year 1 or year 2 rite? that time u thought meow took it...haha
Kath said…
Yea lo.. Y1S2 I think. Thought Meow took it cause she like to kacau me that time. Haha. Lose the second time. Cham!
Lai Tee @ Grace said…
have to be extra careful esp. using public transport...
at least you are save...
Kath said…
Yup, thank God for that. Hahaha
xnos said…
" big head prawn" haha !!
juz kiding nia..
next time better dun put at pocket behind lo ..not safe!!
Kath said…
Haha. Yea, I'll remember not to put there again... Really dai tou har lo...

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