US Pics (Final)
Here are some pics from the US as well using Cindy's camera.. My collection was actually incomplete. Two days missing. :P Won't be uploading anymore pics from there adi gua. These are few selected ones.
That's all. Sorry for being, well, late. Lazy to wait for the upload...hahahaha. Swt.

White House.
Double Decker bus..

Kathleen See, Ms. My boat. No jr or sr yet.
If you don't read the boat's name carefully, you'll end up saying Cheapsake. Like me. :D

Meow, Mike??? (Delaware student, I forgot his name!), Me.

Note: Not in chronologcial order. Earlier days are more towards the end.
That's all. Sorry for being, well, late. Lazy to wait for the upload...hahahaha. Swt.
Kathleen See, Ms. My boat. No jr or sr yet.
Meow, Mike??? (Delaware student, I forgot his name!), Me.
During our pizza dinner.