Advertisements and Food

Hahaha. When I saw it, I bellowed out in laughter and my eyes actually bulged at what it was adveritising!!!
First of all, "Clean spa your wife recommend"? Dahla, the grammar is already wrong. And how do you know it's 'clean'? What's their definition of 'clean'? You seriously think your wife will recommend? Eesh.
And and.. check out the second address. (I actually highlighted it in Paint , no photoshop ma, but it didn't turn out obvious.)
"For Men Only".. Why? Takut the ladies ke? We have ladies only in a lot of spas.. but men? First time hearing of it... My thoughts are going in very weird directions coupled with the first pic and this line.
See, this is the advertisement! And it was in a prominent newspaper.. So I didn't go searching for this ok? Later, people think I've been going mad.

My dinner... Really!! The salad was so big!!! Scared the be-jee-bers out of me... Nearly couldn't finish.. because...
I was saving some tummy space for this!!!
Sorry le, I am a fool for desserts especially for things like cakes and ice creams and chocolates!!! :p
At the end of our dinner, we posed with another piece of cake. My total favourite.

Chocolate something... Man!!! I forgot the name... Eesh. And favourite konon!!!
eh neko, u went off to ipoh dy mah...
anyway, kath...the ads a bit...ehem...
Tee: Hahaha... weird right the ad? Hehe.
Chian: Not oreo la..It's Mocha cheese or Choc cheese.. those are chocolate rice, not oreo biscuits..hehehe.