Working with Kids

It's been a tiring week.
Having a midterm later tonight, yet here I am typing away on my phone in an Old Town White Coffee outlet.
Having another midterm this Monday night.
Ahh... the life of a uni student.

I find my fuse getting shorter day by day.
I am still very, very patient but I can't seem to tolerate nonsense from my kids anymore.
My tactic now is to just keep quiet when things get rowdy.
They normally start to notice and quieten down.
Lol, I don't have that much of energy to nag them. It makes me feel like a grandma.
I really love the kids.  They are, after all, a previous version of us.

Spoiled kids, middle child syndrome, kids with hard parents, show off kids etc.
I have some kids which I tend to dote on.
Cause I know that they are more capable than they seem.
It could be opportunities, their lack of self confidence, competition and so on.
In fact,  I dote on all the kids I have classes with. Haha. That's just me.

Yes, attending to kids take up a lot of effort. It is not easy especially when you have 15 of them vying for your attention at the same time.
15 mouths versus a pair of ears and a pair of eyes.
It's a losing battle.  Hahaha.
But when you see certain kids improving, getting used to your ways, giving you more respect, it is really really worth it. *feels very warm on the inside*

Just like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night.

I have a lot a lot to learn.

In a way, I am thankful that I am studying and working at the same time. What I learn at work can be applied in my studies and vice versa. Both seem to complement each other well.

Hopefully with the work experiences gained, the paper qualifications obtained, the head knowledge earned, and the heartfelt moments remembered, I can achieve greater heights and fulfill my dreams.

Ahh... one of my thoughtful posts so far. Hehe.

Ta da!!!  Baby and her adorable aunty. LOL!!!
Okies. Got to go study... and have midterm later.
Take care all.


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