Bits and Pieces

I just realized how many pending posts I have.

Posts which I did in frustration.
Posts which I was too tired to complete.
Posts which I had a sudden inspiration to pen down, but lost it as soon as I sat down.

Most of it are posts that I want to post up but have no time to complete.
And once that moment is lost, there is no use doing it. *sad laughter*

Someone please drag me out of my house. Soon.
I'm being buried alive with my books and documents and class preparations...
I'm so outdated on movies and stuff.

I had a fun time with one of my class today.

Boys being boys, like to play tricks on other kids.
So one boy had this fake chewing gum stick, upon pulling it, reveals a plastic cockroach.

"Hello, your auntie here is not young. I've seen this trick before."

He tried to trick me which was not successful... Thank goodness. Imagine if I started screaming. The whole centre will be in chaos. Lol.
But his friend got tricked and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at that kid's reaction. Priceless. Silly funny kids who make me use up all my energy, huh.

And you know what, I just found out how crazy and mad a person is. I don't mean it in a good way. That person is seriously mad... You're older than me, married but you are really mad.
How could you say that??? I'm not the only who thinks so. So the problem is, you. Wake up.

Goodnight... *sad*


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