Do You Trust Me?

I spent my whole day today sleeping...
It's that time of the month when I get super tired. Zzz...
Weather ain't helping much..

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

I've got to read a lot of books, articles, journals, documents.
A lot of things to feast my eyes on...hahaha.
The word "trust" is currently appearing very strongly in my life.
Others put their utmost trust in me.
I have to learn to trust others AGAIN.
I have to learn to trust God too.
Trust is not easy gain,
But it is easy to break.
If I trust you,
You have won my favour.
I trust that I will do my best since you have put your trust in me.
Thank you for that trust.


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