The Start of 2013

It's over!
Yip per dee doo dah, yip per dee day! My, oh my what a wonderful day! :D

Exams are done with. Now I only hope that I pass with a B. Please please please please please....
Something happened which really distracted me for my last paper, OB.
It made me feel very hurt, as if whatever I did was a wrong.
I'm very tired... *wistful smile*
I just hope I pass my OB.

I decided to change my blog add.
New year, new address. Hahaha.
Memoirs was not really suitable, musings seemed like a more suitable name since my thoughts are always here, not my memoirs.
I do not know who reads this, so I have only informed those who tell me that they do read. You're lucky. Haha. Kidding.

Dear all, wish me best of luck, as I will be taking another step on the chessboard game of my life. This will be a major move, I will explain further when it's done.

These are just some updates and here are some long overdue pictures, just for fun!

Chocolate from Korea, given by YKh, my classmate. Was so sweet of her.

Another chocolate! Bought from Jaya Grocer. Chocolates like this were rare when I was younger. We only had it when people who travelled overseas bought them for us.
Did you know, that one piece of this 3 Musketeers has 25 calories? And I have been binging on them as I crammed for my exams. Oh no!

Prawn fritters. Cooked by my lovely mom! Looks are deceiving ok? It tasted great!

Fried egg! Cooked by me. Doesn't it look gorgeous? So yellow and round...
The black spots are pepper powder. Hahaha.

My youngest sister Char, left this in my calculator when I was preparing my exams. A really heart-warming  little message.

Holly! Big girl now huh? Check out her bat-like ears.. hahaha.

Taken off the back of a book in MPH. A book about introverts.
I am sure some of us are exactly like what is described above. I know I am. I enjoy meaningful conversations with one or two people, tops. Any more than that and I automatically shut off...Hahah.

That's about it for now.

Happy New Year everyone!!
 May 2013 bring all of us peace, joy and love in our hearts!!


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