Exit Interviews

This was related to me by my classmate which happened when we were having human resource management. (I wasn't paying attention.)

A classmate mentioned that exit interviews were useless.
According to her, it was useless because the employees always gave negative feedback.

From an objective point of view, WHY is there an exit interview held in the first place?
Because, a staff is leaving the company.

And why would a staff leave a company?
Reasons can range from pay to incentives to relationships among colleagues and among others, but, to put it in a general word: dissatisfaction.

So, of course, a person would voice his or her opinions during the exit interview.
What more is there to lose?

And, dissatisfaction brings out negativity.

Companies should never brush away all these negative feedback as something not worth looking deeper into. They should in fact, use it and do a post mortem.

Post mortem. I didn't mention "to improve themselves".

At times, it not necessarily the company's fault nor is it the total fault of the employee either.
But to be competitive, a company has to know how to handle these negative feedback from their ex-employees. It will then give them the competitive edge, and BE that other side on which the grass is always greener.

Something taken from a book. "Principles of 1 Minute Management"
Rule 1:
When a staff does something right, praise him or her in public for one minute.
Rule 2:
When a staff does something wrong, reprimand him or her in private for one minute.
Rule 3:
Delegate work to the right candidate.

Happy working...! :)


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