The Lizzie Bennet Diaries!

What's up everybody?
How have you been doing??? *loud sing song voice*

I am career searching.
I am soul-searching. (Dont know where it went)
I am hunting for food.... (Don't ask) And.....
I am addicted to this new online series.

The Lizze Bennet Diaries.

It is an online and modern adaptation of the famous novel "Pride and Prejudice" written by Ms. Jane Austen.
It's kinda funny and it's amazing how they make it seem so REAL.
Good actors to begin with, they make it seems as IF they are the Bennet family during these modern times.
If you have read the novel, then you can definitely identify with what is going on in the videos.
Of course, with their own take and changes.

I started with one episode and ended up watching 25 of it at one go.
Talk about crazy-ness, this is the utter bomb.

Oh ya and guys, to encourage you men to watch, the girls are really pretty!

Have a look at the first episode of this series.



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