Goodbye, Here I Go

I will be leaving the present company I work for soon.

If I were to be asked, "Why?"
I will just say, "It's personal."
Only a trusted few know the real reason why I decided to leave.
It wasn't a brash decision, thought of on the spot or something.
It isn't really... but sometimes, like what KT said, you have to know when to walk away.
Be it from challenges, from people, from what you want.
You just have to.

Funnily enough, after that decision was made, I was more at peace with myself.
Whatever happened hurts, but I find myself being more calm. And I can smile again, especially with some people who can really cheer up the day.

There are two things which I will miss most when I leave.
My colleagues, especially those with whom I am closer with.
And, my hot hunky customers..! ROFL!!
That day, I didn't even know I was serving a model (Daniel JG) until YK told me.
Believe me, I am super blur as to who our celebrities are.
I will miss the customers with whom some I have befriended with.
The really nice ones who makes you, all the more, want to go THAT extra mile just for them.

The industry which the company is in, is niche but expanding from what some of us observe.
I learned a lot. Who thought that being in the sports nutrition field, dealing with bodybuilders could be that much of fun, entertainment and excitement?
It really is.

You learn that not ALL bodybuilders are on steroids.
You learn that females can go to the gym too and have fun.
You learn that the people whom you will meet in this field, can be odd, weird, funny, sweet, gentlemanly-like, big, small, tall, short, fat, thin etc.
Isn't the diversity so cool??
And speaking of diversity, bodybuilding cuts across all seven continents of the world! Asia, Africa, Europe and so on. (This is the part where I have forgotten my Geography knowledge and hence, am unable to name all seven continents of the world.... tsk.)


I will be sad to leave, truth to be told.
You are so used to everything!

But, I know I have to go.
Let go, move on, live and learn.
I will definitely wish all the best for the company.

Well, three weeks and counting. :)


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