Drama Series

One reason why I don't like sitting in front of the idiot box. I become an idiot. -.-' An idiot who is addicted to drama series... Help. One episode and I am hooked. How can this be?? I remember during secondary school , Form 6 and University, I followed a lot of different series. Thai series, Japanese series, Indonesian series, Filipino series, Taiwanese Hokkien series, Spanish series and last but not least, the Korean series. Hehehe. See how well diversified I am? *Bleah* By the way, I followed all of them on TV. No downloading on the computer from the internet, no cheating by jumping to the last episode to see who ends up with who and no staying up till the wee hours of the morning just to see that girl or guy you're rooting for get kissed. I vigilantly followed the series, everyday or weekends, for that ONE hour. Eesh. Internet is so much more fun now isn't it? ;) But yeah, I haven't been following any series much, except my Monday ones. :) Crime d...