A Pinch of Salt

Happy new year again! How has the first week of the new year been for you? :)

For me, well, I once again have a direction in my life. I think I finally do. 
I have goals and resolutions (bite-sized) to work forward to.

Resolutions which are now more workable and acheivable.
Goals which are hopefully met, if not, I have to look for another goal to aim for.

Some matters which I think I now have answers to.
Others which are at the wait and see stage. Failing which, then at least I know the answers too.

The last two months kinda broke my heart. Hahah. Not heart as in love stuff though, I think the door to that department is closed and locked to me. Huh. Haha. Heart as in general stuff.

The things which were said really broke me. No, scratch that. Not things. That sentence. Only one sentence. Six words. I have stopped shedding tears or feeling upset about it. Things return to normal but when I recall those few words said to me that day, the pain and the unexpectedness of it just hurts.

I was quite numb, shocked in a way. All I felt like doing at that time, was to be as far away as possible. *insert sad smile here*

I really thank the few of you who have spent the time advising me, helping me to put a lot of things into perspective. A lot.

I finally realize my vision and that of some quarters are not the same.

Anyway, I have something to train for now. Mount Kinabalu, here I come. A toast to a tighter arse, more toned legs after THE Climb... Can't wait. Hee hee.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
tag me along for training...
Kath said…
Yes Tee! I don't mind. Really need it. Are you free this coming Saturday? 21st? Or have you gone back to hometown adi?

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