A Blue New Year

It's a brand new year and a brand new day.

I hate this time of the year.

Honestly, I have told myself many times. It's just a day. New Year's day that's what it is, which if you think about it, it is. After a day or two, everyone goes back to their normal living routine of the year. Then as the end of another year passes, there goes another big hoo-ha.

The cycle continues. On and on and on....

Why then am I so reluctant to let go of the old year and step into the new one? Is it because I feel as if I have not fully written in the pages of my life for the year 2011? That there are still so many empty pages to fill? That I feel I am unable to give this chapter of my life a proper closure and say adios to it?

Or is it because I fear of what is to come? Since no one can predict the future accurately, we never know what is going to happen. The uncertainty... It's just a day. That's all that it is.

Why do people make resolutions for every year? Why not every month? At least you are able to chew what you bite off and not bite off more than what you can chew. People are like, "Oh, it's a new year. I must do this this this and not do that that that."

Last night as we toasted at the stroke of midnight to usher in the new and bid the old farewell, I thought to myself, "What am I toasting to??"

Peace? Justice? Better government? Love? Career? Money?

What is it? Can I just toast to myself? Hahahaha. A better Kathleen??? -.-'

I'm sorry if any of you are expecting a cheery New Year post from me. You ain't gonna get one yet. 

I am tired of being fake cheery. I have been doing that just to keep everyone's spirits up, to pull anyone who has fallen down up, to bring a smile and laughter to anyone who has been crying.

My happy energy is being sapped....
And I am running around headless looking to charge that up.

Happy New Year.              


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Happy New Year 2012!!
Blessed to have you as who you are, Just be the real Kathleen... that reveals who you really are...live to glorify God not to please men...

*new year hugs* for you. will give a real one when we meet again...cheers, and have a great year in 2012.
Kath said…
Aaahhh!!! Thank you Tee... I need a hug from you. I'll get it when I see you k?

Thanks for bringing that up, I forgot that I should glorify God! Tough.
JeNz said…
Let's toast to KK and pray that we make it to the top~
Kath said…
Hahaha. Yes, Jenny. A toast to us successfully reaching the top of mount Kinabalu....!

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