The Kinabalu Letter

Dear KT and Jenny,

The month of May seems so far away at the moment. And so is our Mount Kinablau expedition. The exercises we must do, the training we must endure, just can't seem to 'materialise' at the moment as our trip has yet to come.

I fear though, that I have something urgent to inform you all.

I recently came down with cough, a sore throat and a slight fever. During my recovery, I found myself wheezing and my chest actually hurt when I tried to breathe deeper. I have yet to pay a visit to the doctors as I dislike them and they in turn dislike me too as I can be a stubborn patient at times.

My fear is that I may face the same difficulty in breathing as we reach higher altitudes. This scares me as I really want to experience the hike up mount Kinabalu so I can come back down to KL and show off. With no experienced doctors around (We're archenemies), a tour guide, and all of us as inexperienced climbers, I may need someone to do CPR for me if I should ever crash up there.

The kiss of life. I'm laughing out loud to myself now.

Not something to be taken lightly of actually. But here I am 'laughing' at it.

But but but.... I promise, Scouts' honour, that I will take care of myself. I will drink more warm drinks, think chinese tea, green tea, herbal tea and less of the more favourite cold ones, think Coke, Guinness Malta, ChaTime etc. I will also start up my training regime soon, to increase my stamina and lung capacity. I would really love to jump back into the pool as well, (good for asthmatic people) but the lack of good facilities and swimming company makes me hesitant.

I promise I will be ready when the time comes for our battle against nature.

Ooppss... I had my fingers crossed behind my back. *sticks tongue out*

P/S: Please pull me out for training. Let's start with Gasing, something to familiarise my body with again. I'll go on my own if it need be and pray that I don't get lost in the hills. :D

Yours sincerely,
Scaredy Kath.


Lai Tee @ Grace said…
Kath, u do not need to go alone, drag KT & Jenny, and whoever is going with u for KK climb..would be really helpful. Me too can join you all...will give u all tips when we meet again.
JeNz said…
kath kath, KT would love to give u the Kiss of Life, ANYTIME B U T i'll make sure he doesn't get that hamsap chance..haha..don't worry kath, i'm sure you'll do fine with regular trainings. Tee told me about your possible asthmatic attack and i think she is right when she suggested that maybe you should get the breath-in gas (not sure the exact name of that thing) in case of asthma.
Kath said…
>Tee: Thanks a lot Tee! Would greatly appreciate it. :D

>Jenny: Hahahaha. Huh... my sister has one little thing that she sucks on when she can't breathe. Should be that one you're referring to I think.

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