Dance Videos!!

Yes yes another post in the same day. I can't help it. My urge for dancing has led me to 'youtubing' songs which I enjoyed dancing to. Heheh. *shy*

Here's one. Sugar Sugar - the Archies

And another one...

And another....

Oh gosh... I sound very old don't I? Hahaha. I really love the music then. Oh well, I always had the fancy for the 1980's and before. Not everything la. I can't stop laughing as I type this. No, my dear friends. I have not gone mad. This is just another side of me I don't really show much. Cause no one shares this interest. Who will? It's embarrassing... Hahaha.

And you know what?
Right now, I am dancing the Twist to the music video above. ROFL. *tears in my eyes*

I have sing K kaki, now I need dancing kaki. :P
My mid section hurts.


JeNz said…
let's dance dance!! though i'm taking any dancing lessons nowadays... :)p but i really miss dancing!

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