Dance Dance Dance

Oh my gosh... I suddenly have this urge to go dancing!!! I want to go for dancing classes.
I remember Jenny asking me to join her last time, somewhere in TTDI.
But I never found the time to, most probably because I procrastinate. Hahaha.

How how?

That urge is back!!
I want to sway my hips, twirl my body, twist my shoulders, kick my legs according to rhythm & melodies!!!

Clubbing is not dancing cause you are under the influence of alcohol. Everything seems nice when you're high. Ha. Really!

I want real dancing.
I can't start back on ballet again. I'll be in the same class as little kiddies. Grade 3... :(

I actually don't mind line dancing. Lol. Aunty dance. Hey, I like the Twist. Remember Jive Bunny? Go 'youtube' it. It's nice! Of course, I love ballet but I think I am too old for that. I got into ballet cause mom thought I was a bit too tomboy-ish, always climbing into drains and catching tadpoles. Hahahaha.

Belly dancing ain't too bad either and perhaps with a strict regime, I may see some of those sexy female abs, provided of course I diet too... Hahaha.

Ballroom dancing... is ok I suppose. Hahaha. But, it's not me. Yet.

Oh oh!!! Know what? I think Latin America dances are HOT! Oohh la la *fans self * The Samba, Salsa (not the food, foodies), Tango and Rumba!! *Now is when you roll your toungues for the Rrrrss.....* Rrrrrumba!

Ain't that exciting? :D

How how? I am feeling super enthusiastic now. I went googling dance studio websites. Argh! What is wrong with me?

Now, all I need is someone to accompany me to dance classes.When there's support, there's motivation. And when there's motivation, there are results. Hahaha. I think.

I want to dance at least one night away.

P/S: Ok, I shall stop procrastinating and really do something about it. *cross my heart and hope to die* Wish me luck. :)


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