Super Random Post

Was let off from work early today, unexpectedly. Yay! Just have to make sure I submit my reports and stuff on time.

Haven't been updating for a while... cause I am sort of speechless. Hahaha. Yea... even typing this is using a lot of my brain memory and heartfelt feelings.

I wouldn't say that a lot of things have been happening. It isn't reallly... but yet it has. In a way.

Some idiot used my car as a getaway... no, he/she didn't steal it but they must have jumped from a high ledge onto my car to reach the ground. Cause there's a huge dent on the roof which collects water everytime it rains. Huh!

Watched a few movies with friends. Nasi Lemak 2.0, In Time, Real Steel and Immortals. Immortals was like salivating la....hahahah. The actors, fuh! The scene where all the Gods stood/sat in the heavens looking down on earth was... *mouth hangs open* They wore gold costumes which bared their "heaven made" bodies and they looked good! Two girls beside me were busy giggling away during this scene. Hahaha. Eye candy galore for us girls!! Guys, you have two hot actresses to look at. Hehe.

Two colleagues recently mentioned that they didn't feel the Christmas spirit yet. In my opinion, It's still too early! It's only mid November... hahaha. I have no fear that I will feel it soon. Know why? Because Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart. I think I will start the Christmas spirit first then. That warm and happy feeling one experiences... :D

I have to start setting goals in my life now. I mean I do but it has always been in my head only.
I so have to write it down and paste it somewhere that I can see daily. I think that works better than having it in my head but out of sight. Hmm... Yes?

I have been shedding tears...hahaha. Usual la, girls ma. But like the song goes, after a storm comes a rainbow, I usually end up happier and more at peace after the tear works. :P Though I end up looking horrible.

It's amazing what a few words can do to you. It may not be true, but when the person says it so sincerely-like, it's a lightbulb moment  so uplifting. It was unexpected too..! Haha. I'm a lady huh? Thanks. KT, your words were also very encouraging. If you remember what you said.

I hope in a few days time, all will be good. :)

Now, I need a hug.

Yes, my post is in a bit of a scramble. So is my head.


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