Day 5 of 30 Day Blog Journal - My Favourite Book

I am actually quite an avid and voracious reader. Brought up in a household where books were mostly my companions, I have always adored books and treasured them tremendously. Yes, I am a bookworm. Hahaha. But not till the extend of cooping up at home la. I was a tomboy ok? Anyway...

I grew up on Enid Blyton, the Nancy Drew series, the Hardy Boys series (I did!), classics like Anne of Green Gables, the Little House on the Prairie, Black Beauty and so much more.

As I aged (and withered), I shifted from these to Agatha Christie, old classics like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, to the more modern ones like Stephen King. And yes, I also read R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike in high school. Hahaha. Who didn't? They were the most sought after books in the school library, forever being checked out by someone. Nonsense though they were.

I read almost all sorts of genre. Horror, mysterires, chick lit, romance, non-fiction, self help, humour and so on. One of the genres that I rarely touch is science fiction. I don't get it lo. SO hard to read and digest.

Books were constantly given to me and within my reach. Birthdays, Christmas presents... hey I'm not complaining man. I don't mind. Hahaha. Too bad books nowadays cost a fortune. Everytime I think of getting one, I have to consider a few times before grabbing it. Thank goodness for sales like the Big Bad Wolf warehouse sale where you can really get good books for really good prices.

On the train, in the bus, while waiting for someone, anytime and anywhere, if I can get my hands on a book, I will be happily thumbing through them. :D (Nerd!!!)

My favourite book would most probably be Sean Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens".

I still read this book from time to time. It's quite a good book. :D How I know it's my favourite? Cause its one of the rare books I have neatly wrapped in embossed plastic. Hahaha. Heh..

The chapters are well presented and each chapter ended with practical exercises that you could do and keep a journal about it. Sort of. This book is a page turner! I espeically liked the graphics and daily life examples  included. It helped to make more sense and easily understood.

One thing I remember most of reading from this book, is this line. "Be proactive, not reactive."

Hahaha. Which is true!! And good.  I have to put it into practice. Take a deep breath and be calm.

Then there is also another chapter which guides you on how to make every situation a win-win situtation. There's the lose-win situation and the win-lose situation. Basically, it just means compromise. Don't compromise until you lose yet don't compromise until the other side loses. Both sides must be able to agree on a solution that is acceptable and viable to either.

It's a good book. If you're an adult, get the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The teen version is just meant for teens. (As if I'm not an adult now. Hahaha.)

Ciao. Off to bury my nose among books again!


chian said…
you should try the bookstore in Amcorp mall. It's like a factory outlet for books! discounts 24/7 throughout the year

and oh yeah RL Stine books were nonsense lol.

Still remember Are you afraid of the dark? LOL

I miss reading man!
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Yes yes, I remember that series and the Fear Street one as well. Lol.

I rarely go to Amcorp mall though. Hmm.. maybe I should for the sake of boooks!!

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