Of English, American and Local Pancakes

Came home from work on a Saturday to this waiting for me in the refrigerator....Dessert!!! Yum-mos.... Sumptuous Desserts.. Never heard of it till that day.

Inside were two of these mouth-watering and adorable 'pancakes', especially kept for me by mom. Hahahah. One was yellow and durian flavoured whereas the bottom one is green and contains mango pieces!!

See? See? Mmm.... Delicious.... Hahahaha. Real pieces of mango fruit and cream (bleah..) Wrapped up in... something edible. One piece is not enough I tell you!! I want more... hahah. I like that it is bite-sized, not too sweet and just the right texture.

No idea why it's called pancake though. I thought pancakes were meant to be flat.... not rolled up with stuffing. But then again, you have the English pancakes and the American pancakes which are both different in its preparation and looks too. So yea.. 

English pancakes are rolled up and you normally take them with a bit of sprinkled sugar and lime juice.

American pancakes are the typical pancakes you see on television and is taken with butter and honey or maple syrup.

I know cause my mom makes them. Hehehe. I so have to learn how to make these too. I have tried at my hand at a few recipes. And it was great! Any wonder why I love love love desserts?? :D

Salivating yet?

Don't eat too much!!!  *wink*


WyAn CoMeT said…
Sumptuous Desserts damn nice wei... u giv me a box also not enough
Kath said…
My sis said she got it from Pyramid. Hahaha. 10 boxes enough??? I must go and see what else they have la.
WyAn CoMeT said…
oik, i'm cutting dude bad girl:P

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