Karaoke Sessions!!

Hehehe. *rubs hands with glee*

This post is dedicated to Yan. :P
A few of us went for a karaoke session on Thursday night. It was supposed to the five of us. But someone forgot her work schedule (Caffeine OD) and couldn't make it at the last minute. Haiya.

It was a bit disappointing cause the first time we went, the five of us had a crazy time. We missed you!! I actually didn't realize that karaoke sessions could be so much fun.

The second time I entered a KTV was with my Uni friends (KT, Jenny, Tee and others) to celebrate the June babies. Coincidentally, most of the karaoke sessions I went to was at BTS Neway. Anyway, there were about eight of us that time and it was wild!!! It was super crazy and hilarious with the guys (KT, I remember) acting out the lyrics. We were laughing, jumping around and shouting like mad. I have never had that much fun in a KTV room. Too bad I had to leave early cause I took public transport there. Huh!

The first time I went for a K session was with Chian and other girlfriends. And being all girls, it just ain't that fun. :/ Hahaha. Seriously. I wonder why... I'm the silly kind of girl but when people are quiet I clam up too.

It's more fun when there's a mixture of guys and girls. You must get people who aren't afraid or shy to NOT be prim and proper always!! Those who can let their hair down and belt it out like crazy. That's cool. Hehehe. I have since found three groups who can be like this. And they are all awesome!

Imagine a guy singing M2M's Pretty Boy complete with all the silly expressions. Yea, it may be gay to some. But hey, they were doing it for fun and they weren't afraid of appearing silly and losing their macho-ness once in a while. Girls don't mind you know.

The second group I went with was BIG. 20 over of us and guess what? We were all families. So you can imagine the songs that were chosen. From the golden oldies (like YMCA) to the more modern songs. Yet, we had a tremendous time, eating, singing and laughing of course. Hahaha.

The third group would be my colleagues. First time we went together was in January as two of us had our birthdays in that month. (Neway has birthday specials). I never knew the guys could sing their heart out and rap it like a pro. We were singing, dancing, even standing on the couch (at one point) as our songs played. We used forks and bottles as our mikes. (There were only two). It was really entertaining to watch everyone's (and mine) silly behaviour in that room. Lol. The second time was Thursday, just for the heck of it. 

But, we missed you Yan. You should have seen the boys and YK and I... We sang "ju lam yok" and the other one Benny introduced. Some "char siew pao" song too. Hahahah. And, and to show you how much we missed you. I'm gonna post you a pic. Hehehe.

Kampai!!! Only 5% of alcohol... They drank your share. We forgot we booked for five people. So, an extra bottle. Mine is still in the fridge. Tsk.

And a pic of Benny and CC. Lol. I hope they don't see this.

Oh, but don't worry. The month of May is coming... And so is *ahem* someone's birthday... lalalala (if I remember correctly). Then we can have another session (with discount heh.)!! If everyone is available of course (especially you, Yan). Haha.

Till next time!

Sing your heart out baby!!!


WyAn CoMeT said…
Lol, sorry for the caffein OD... seriouly u all addicted to karaoke....yishhh, i wanted tat kampai!!! @@
Kath said…
Actually, it was you guys who made addicted to it. Before that, I was nervous of singing in front of ppl. Haha.
Too bad!! The kampai is in CC's tummy.
WyAn CoMeT said…
huh....such a drinker la him
chian said…
HAHAHA I remember that k session we had! it was AWKWARD.

that was like my second or third time only
Kath said…
>Chian: Really awkward. But now I'm getting used to it. Hahaha. Maybe we can go for another session again. And pull more people. We discuss with SY till now also haven't happened yet. Lol.

>Yan: No la, he just doesn't want to waste the drink. Hahaha.
chian said…
we've been talking about it for years. HAHAHA
Kath said…
Yea till now!!! Hahaha. But she's back from Europe now. So we can proceed with our plans!

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