An Email and a Talk

     You know how sometimes you give people feedback through emails or reply them and you don't hear anything from them? Then you begin to wonder if anybody even looks at their emails or not. Well, my fellow ex-Utarians, wonder no more. The UTAR Alumni does read theirs. And I thought they would not even bother to reply me. Hahaha.

     What happened was, the UTAR Alumni would always send out emails to the alumni informing us of any upcoming events or talks that are held in the centre.

     I began to notice that the emails regarding the talks, always reaches my inbox late. It's not a big thing. I could say, I don't care, it's not my problem. But I found it weird that the emails reached me after the talk has been gone and done with. Then you ask yourself, what's the point of the emails then?

After a few times, I sent the email below to our Alumni.

And yes, I know. It's supposed to be "a computer generated email" and not as how I put it in the email. Urgh!! You can't generate a computer.... KATH!!! *embarrassed* And a typo!!! Of all the things to do wrong.... email 101. No typos!!!

Yup, so that was sent and a day later I found this in my inbox.

Lol. I felt slightly bad at first for complaining but hey, at least they know too right? Imagine if they kept at this for years...!! Then they will wonder why no one comes for the talks. Now they know too... See, I'm helping them. :) Hahaha.

Though judging from the personal reply above, it makes me wonder whether anyone else has noticed this problem too. My guess is most probably not. Oh well.

So, my dear friends, you are warmly invited for the above talk. 'Chinese Genealogy'. It's open to the public so anyone can go. You want to trace your roots, go! You want to find a long lost relative, go! Or you just want to support UTAR, go! Haha.

Oh, I'm not able to go though. Hahaha. Maybe next time.... :D


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