Thank You

     Today, I am officially a quarter of a century old. Lol. A big milestone in life I would say, even bigger than being 21. I cannot see myself being 25 this year. Mid twenties..!!! From the category of 18-24 years, I have  now progressed to the 25-30 years stage. Oh my gosh!!! *starts running around like a headless chicken* I am old...!!! Well, age is just a number (So is your weight and whatnots... being self-delusional.). Who am I kidding? Heh.

Today, this post is dedicated to everyone around me, who have made my life of 25 years worth living.

     Firstly, thank you dear God for giving me 25 years of an amazing life. Thank you for all the blessings you have showered upon me. Thank you for being with me all these years, for keeping me safe and sound (cause I am a blur case). Thank you God for everything, the ups and downs because they teach me a lesson and helps me to become a better person.

     Thank you Mom and Dad for being my wonderful parents. You guys may not be perfect but you are the best parents anyone could ask for. Thank you for your advices and guidance whenever I had doubts about myself. Thank you for the encouragement and reprimands whenever it was necessary. I hope I have been a wonderful daughter as well.

     Thank you to my three sisters, Eileen, Shirleen and Charlene. You three have made my life 'hell'. Hahahaha. Thank you for being the younger supportive sisters you all have been. Thank you for sharing my joys and pain together. Thank you for just being my sisters. I am very thankful for that.

Next will be individual thanks.... :)

    Thank you Chian for your SMS. You were the first. Haha. I know it's a peak time for you with CNY  around the corner too. Your late nights at work, the stress, the datelines and yet you remembered and wished me at the stroke of 12!! Thank you so much. *tears*

     Thank you Tee for your SMS, FB wish and your phone call!!! It was unexpected. But greatly appreciated nevertheless. Thank you for being a great friend, a supportive classmate. Thank you for introducing me to the joys of hiking hahaha. And your free passes to the gym long time ago!

     Thank you KT for your FB wish. It was the longest, a bit of nonsense but very meaningful as well. I hope all those can come true hahahaha. However, being bustier is something a bit unachievable. :P I am glad to have gotten to know you during uni days. You cured my fear of guys.... somehow. Wahaha.

     Thank you Jenny for your FB wish as well. Thank you for being supportive during our Uni days. Thank you for the funny present last year. It was quite hilarious especially when I watch the video again. Hahaha. Thank you for your ideas, your thoughts, suggestions cause they make me think too.

     Thank you to my colleagues (Chooy, Yan, Preetie, Cheryl, Benny, CChuan) for the presents, the cake and the awesome karaoke session. It was superbly fun and is on my list of to-dos again! Thank you for all the co-operation at work and support. Makes work fun and less mundane.

     Thank you to my Godbros (Matt, Aaron, Tim and Joel) for being there. Thank you for the free rides to the cinemas, to home. Thank you for all the silly crack jokes that make me laugh till I cry. Buns? Lol. Thank you for helping my sisters and I out whenever it was needed. Thank you to your parents too, thanks Godma and Godpa.

     Thank you to all my friends (I cannot name you all) who made the effort to send me a birthday wish either on FB or SMS. It may not seem much, what with FB giving you the birthday reminders. But it means a lot to me when you make the effort to reach for your handphone or click on my FB profile page. Seeing those wishes, however short it may be, just made my day. Thank you all very very much.

     Last but not least, thank you to all  those whom I have ever met in my 25 years of life. Whether it was a short acquaintance or a long one, I am sure you all have somehow taught me something. Be it a good thing or a bad one. After all, there is a reason why we met in the first place right?

     I know that this post may never be seen by most of you and it may seem insincere (on a blog?). But my thanks is deeply from my heart and I can have a peace of mind, knowing that I have shown my appreciation to all of you.

A very big thank you! :D Hugs and God bless.


Kath said…
Hahahaha. And, of course, thank you to you too my dear Ying Hui!!! Thanks for the sms and FB msg. :D

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