Epic Photo of 2010

IF, photos taken during your trips could win you big bucks in some contests, well, I would certainly wish that mine could as well. Especially since I am "the best" at taking funny and awkward photos.

Went to Langkawi about a month ago for a holiday. And no holiday is complete without pictures to capture those once in a lifetime moments or memories right?

Well, we had a lot of pictures taken but one picture was the talk of the WHOLE trip. Huh!! Know why? Have a look below.

That's why... Lol.
Yup. That.... was.... moi.

Each of us had a picture taken with THE Langkawi eagle. And for reasons unknown to me (I was forced to and I sort of obliged), my pose was the silliest and most embarrassing of all!!! The rest were like just standing with their arms wide open as if to fly like the eagle.

Mine??? Mine was like a cow being carried away by some gigantic eagle.... -.-'
Look at the picture and tell me you don't think so too??



JeNz said…
i love that pic! like like like!
Kath said…
Hahahaha. Thank you!!! :P

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