The Write Way Indeed

She sits at the computer.
As of habit, she logs on to Blogger even when she has nothing new to post or say.
Tab by tab she clicks on them. Posting, Comments, Settings...
Her eyes see but her brain rarely registers.
Pieces of draft remain as it is, just drafts.
Kept safely in her account.
Drafts she knows cannot be posted lest some people come upon it.
Drafts that she writes not for fun but for later reference.
If she would have it, a new post would be up everyday, detailing everything and anything that she went through.
But then that would be a bit overboard wouldn't it?

Why then do it?
She writes to clear her mind.
She writes to enable her to see from different perspectives.
She writes to express herself.
She writes to analyze situations that occur.
She writes to learn.
She writes to remember important stuff.
She writes to understand why certain actions or reactions happened.
She just writes....

Some things can never be expressed through words. Neither written nor spoken. It is only then that a person has to read between the lines.

She can hear you say, "I'm ok."
But she sees you cursing inside how terrible your day has been.

She can hear you say, "Everything's fine."
But she notices how your smile never really reaches your eyes, how your eyes have lost that shine.

That would be another story to be told on another day....
Right now, she will just continue to write and write it the right way...


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