Rambutan Episode

Came back from work and joined my family feasting on fruits like durians (urgh), mangosteens and rambutans (red hairy balls).

Was contentedly and happily eating away when my dad told me and my mom this,

"You know, I can eat one rambutan (skinned) without using my fingers. I just use my teeth to tear off the flesh while holding the seed with my tongue."

Trying to be sarcastic, I said, "Yea dad. That skill can really get you into the book of Guinness' World record."

Dad was either not listening (too busy concentrating on his fruit) or he did not get the sarcastic tone in my voice. He replied (And I swear, in an all earnest manner), "No la. This skill a lot of people also have. A lot of people can do it also."

At which, I turned to my mom and the both of us burst out laughing.

Then only my dad got it....hahahaha.



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