Jon Schimdt and Love Game

Was not intending to post anything new actually. But, what man proposes, God disposes. Hahaha. Hence, I am here. Just wanted to share a song I found in FB and a picture I found on someone's blog as I blog-hopped. (It's easy, FB profiles, googling certain words, seriously. Don't you guys ever think of locking your profiles?) Lol.

Oh oh. Before that, let me just wish all Malaysians a very Happy National Day. Selamat Hari Merdeka!! Guo2 Qing4 Ri4 Kuai4 Le!! :D May we continue to live in harmony, peace and heartfelt acceptance. (Felt like emo-ing a bit reading so many bad 'racist' news.) Sigh.

Ok, now on to the song. I would suggest you take the time to listen to it. It's very beautiful!!! Just clear your mind and listen to it with your ears and heart. I promise you won't regret it. If you do, come find me. I will make you cry. Hahahaha.

The other thing which I wanted to share is the picture below. Or rather, the words which are written in it.

It's known as a Love Game.

I wonder who thought of this. And why? Why should you lose if you are the first to fall in love? What's wrong with being the first one to fall in love??? Hmmm.... Food for thought?
From another perspective, I suppose I can understand why it says the first one to fall in love loses. Because... what if the other person does not reciprocate that love? Then you are left hanging. All by yourself. THAT's how you lose then. Lol.

But knows no bound. And I would say that there are no losers, whatsoever.

Love, is a wonderful thing. Love y'all...!


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