Discipline Anyone???

I get annoyed when people imply that I have no discipline. Excuse me.... But last I checked, we were not really close friends at all. Heck, we were just acquaintances who met each other by chance through a mutual friend.

You don't really know me. So, how can you determine through three face to face conversations and MSN chats that I have no discipline?? Ok, I am not really scolding you (in case you happen to read this, hope not). But this is what I feel and I am just speaking out my mind.

Good, since you say I have no discipline, I shall prove to you that I do HAVE discipline.
I will prove to you that I can do what I am supposed to achieve in that target amount of time.
I will prove to you that I also have determination.

I will prove you wrong. I will prove that you do not really know the real Kathleen yet.
And I will also prove to you, that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Do not underestimate me.

We will see in two months time....

Till then...


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