US Trip (14th May)

Well, third day of our trip and today we went to the University of Drexel which was actually part of the whole purpose of the trip anyway. :) Didn't take much photos on this day as my camera had not enough batteries. Saving for later. :D

Lafayette building (Don't know what it is though)

Drexel Institute (When can UTAR have something as cool as this?)

The inside of the main Uni building. Check out the stairs...

Drexel's canteen. They call it food corp... I think.

Ying Mei sleeping on Meow.

Ying Mei awake now...

With two Malaysian students who study in Drexel University. I forgot their names..

During the trip I realised how Utar got to organise trips to this uni and one more (Delaware). Both unis had someone the lecturers or dean personally knew. Thus, we were given the opportunity to visit their uni. Utar is kind of in this phase where they are thinking of trying out twinning programs with these unis. We, are their guinea pigs. Both sides would like to see how and what are our opinions before venturing further.

Utar should have thought of this before I enrolled!!! I want to do twinning. :( Too late for now.


Kath said…
The one I was wearing is not mine..heheh. Borrowed from my friend Meow..
JeNz said…
they should provide us with free trips so that we could give them better feedbacks..hahaaa

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