Before I continue, I apologise for being absent and late in posting my US photos. Something terrible happened.. :(
My computer's motherboard and modem got struck by lightning. Seriously burnt and bad. So I was out and MIA for quite a while. (My poor blog) There's another computer at home which did not suffer this fate but it is irritatingly slow till I can't stand it. (Beh tahan.) Looks like I have no patience after all..hehehe. Anyway, here are photos for the second day (when the real travelling begins). Will continue with other days soon.
My first breakfast in US!!!
Meow's breakfast.
The four from Setapak campus.
Random snap.
A street.
Tall rise buildings.
Hehe. NYPD car!!! For real! Cool...
People walking in the street (common in US, not so in Msia).
Some shops.
Meow at the top of the empire state building.
View of empire state building.
Some people and buildings below from the top.
Buildings as seen from the empire state building.
What's left of the empire state building top.
Another aerial view.
Meow and me.
Open aired double decker tour bus...Cute.
A message from a restaurant. This caught my eye.. the way they say it is just funny. This is what it said:
Dear Customers,
We have temporarily closed due to a small fire in the building. Fortunately, non of us are hurt and we are working tirelessly to repair our equippment and we will reopen shortly!!
Hahaha! Their English ain't that wonderful as well ya know...
Church.. (dark
:( )
Trinity Church.
The inside of the church. I love church buildings!
Stained glass windows.
The entrance into the church.
Side of the church.
NY chinatown. Saw NYUs's bus and some cabs.
This girl spoiled my pic the first time. (Second one's on top)
Buildings surrounding what was known as WTC.
Ground Zero after 9/11. Rebuilding something.
That's all for my second day. Sorry again for being missing.