US Trip (15th May)

Here as promised. The continuation of my trip to US!!! This time to university of Delaware.

The greenery of University of Delaware. Beautiful hor? So much grass... Hahaha.

Known as the kissing bridge in the uni. Seems that guys and girls were separated last time, thus when they want to go on dates, they come here. Something like that.

Another view of the campus surroundings.

Look at the amount of green. So beautiful!!!

A building in their campus. See the peace sign on the staircase?

Their library. "Beaver's dam" yeng.

Students sunbathing next to a fountain.

Our group and the girl who was our blue hen ambassador and took us round.

A guy. Whom I secretly took his picture of. :P I'm a girl after all..But I don't stalk alright?

Now clearer... Cute boh? OK only la...

Their simulation room for economics. I think.

Like real stock market room. Haha. But I beh tahu anything bout this.

One of their lecture halls in Delaware.

Newark Methodist Church.
Professor Sloane-White giving her lecture.

How their tutorial room looks like.

A sorority or fraternity building. Kappa Alpha.

Another lecture hall.

Archeology stuff. I nearly said architecture. Slip of tongue.
Old stuff... It's almost like Greek to me.

Meow looking elsewhere and smiling. *Ahem*

My inner self. Hey, it's made of real bones ok? Eee...

Finally, another hotel room of ours. Forgot the name. The beds...Girls can be messy. The messiest is mine and Meow's.

Meow nak mandi.. and Cindy looking at a piece of paper.

I know some people will be thinking, Kath, that was lame!!! Hahaha.
Like whatever sweeties... :P I am so nuts today... that silly animated bunny we get in emails.


JeNz said…
wah...i love the'd so good to have those in our campus...
Kath said…
Jenz: I know!!! Look at our campus.. the grass not green also..ahaha. Like it's drying up.

Chian: Not stalker.. but does taking someone's picture secretly constitute as stalking? Perhaps hor... Oh oh...

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