My 100th Post

It's a memorable moment. Hehe. I have finally reached my 100th post since I've started blogging using blogger. *Smiles and pat myself on back*

I remember that not too long ago I was surfing someone's blog and she posted something about it being her 100th post too. Hehe. In a blink of an eye, it's my turn. :) Sounds as if I won something great..tsk tsk. I wish.

As this is a special post, I will not put any pics of my US trip here. I'll upload it into the next post. So sit tight and wait. :D

Recalling the time when I started blogging, the way I blog has changed dramatically as well. Last time I was impersonal in my entries, fearing people who colud track me down! (Shows how much I know..) Now, it has matured into an expression of my feelings and what I think. I still do fear but now its the fear of bad comebacks and criticism for what I say. But, I think that I shall not care. This is my world, my territory. Like it or not, my blog is here to stay.

Last time, I did not have any pictures of anything in this blog. Then slowly I did, first with inanimate objects then animals and now people, including myself.

Last time, I did not blog often as I did not find the thrill in it yet. Now, I try to blog as often as I can but time limits my 'talents'. Hahaha.

Last time, my blog page was simple and unattractive (I think). Now, it's still simple but at least it has more functions and features in it. Though I do hope to bring it up one level.

Last time, I did not have anybody's blog to read and learn from and amuse myself. Now, I have quite a lot, including celebrities at that and especially my friends'.

Last time, I was a silly young girl typing anything from under the sun (meaningless). Now, I am more selective in my choice of posting and aiming to 'amuse' my readers? Haha.

Now, I am proud of myself that I've reached a 100!!! Ooppss sorry. Not me. But my number of posts... :)

And now I shall blog about other stuff.

Recently, I suddenly got to thinking about two very contradictory phrases in the English language. They are:

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"Out of sight, out of mind."

When I thought of these two, I went hmmm... interesting.
Wonder who were the people who came up with these two phrases.
Were they two star-crossed lovers who separated unwillingly? Perhaps one was trying hard to forget, the other still holding on to that tiny hope?
Or perhaps two masters in English trying to outdo one another?
Could it be also the same person who created both phrases due to too much time on his hands?

Well, I don't think I'll know for now. Unless I want to Google it. Everything also google. Hahaha.

Other than that, I have also learned or 'experience' what hurt could do to you. Someone once told me that hurt will lead to anger and from there, hatred.
I can say that this is true, we do get hurt once in a while, but we have to be able to overcome that hurt and forgive the person who caused it. It's not easy, but we have to. If not, we'll always be angry with that person, and soon enough, this anger will gradually turn to hate for that same person. So far, I've always been in the anger stage. I have nearly crossed that thin borderline between anger and hatred. And this, seriously can be a very scary situation.

Blinded by anger and hate, you can almost do everything unrationally. Seriously. I would actually like to say what I nearly did to someone, but I can't. I'm too ashamed. Don't fall into this trap. Ever.


chian said…
eh...did we blog at the same time or not..for all these years..hahaa..getting 100 posts at around the same time lol

but i'm fasterrrr!
Kath said…
I don't know leh.. I think I started first. But you blogged more than me. I was kind of slow.

Yes yes you're faster!!! Hahaha

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