
Heard of it, but have never seen it nor touch it before till now.

What is it?

The famous Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, apparently hot in Australia.

All thanks to my sister's best bud, Su Lynn, do I get a taste of this dough.

Argh!!! But it is F-A-T-T-E-N-I-N-G...
Know why?
The ones that we had was just made of carbs and sugar.. Carbs and sugar. A girl's worst enemy and nightmare...
I'm not sure if this is its trademark doughnut or something, but it's nice. Minus the fat part...

Ta-da!! The Box... Hehe.

The main talk of the day. The doughnut itself..
See? It is sugar encrusted! Wahahaha... But it certainly tasted good.

Nowadays, I seem to see a lot doughnut chains popping up. Chains like J CO. and Big Apple.
I'm so lucky...

I can get J.CO at Sunway Pyramid
Big Apple at Subang Parade
Dunkin Donuts at Subang Carrefour!!!

Have yet to try J Co. though... anyone treating me? :P

Something not relate to doughtnuts..
My school's T-Shirt for one Society... love the phrase..

SU is my school's name.

SU ians How Cool 'R' you?
Lemme hear you say... COOL!!!


chian said…
omg i forgot where's that tee already! i love the cartoon behind!
and i still rmb our leo tee! the one with a big lion behind one. i didnt get to buy it :((
Kath said…
YEa!!! That shirt. The one where the song is right? I've got the spirit don't know where... ahaha. I got the other leo shirt but not so nice one.. Blue colour on the back.
chian said…
blue colour on the back..? got meh? i don't remember...hmm....i wonder where are all my t-shirts...maybe my mom has thrown them away dii!! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!
i still have my hang jebat tee though. super big.

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