
I am currently annoyed at some people right now.

I have a test this Saturday, two days away and people are borrowing my notes. It’s not that I don’t want to lend you my notes, I will gladly help you as much as I can. But there is a limit. No doubt you still return me my notes on time, there is still that fear of notes going missing and the lack of time to prepare.

Why couldn’t they ask to borrow the notes earlier? It’s not as if they weren’t in class or what. Unless they were too busy ‘flying’ off somewhere.

I have to study as well you know. I go for classes, I pay attention. What do you do? Ask yourself.

Please don’t cause me my grades or anything.

The thing is I don’t know how to say no to people nicely. Sigh. I am so scared of offending people, thus, I end up hurting myself instead in order to please people. And the cycle repeats itself for this semester again…

My mood now : Tired, frustrated, sad, helpless, irritated and really really annoyed.

To those reading this, just let me let out my steam before I start screaming and cursing. What you read here, remains here. A warning.


Esee said…
yeah lor smelly chicken white these people can go GO AND DIE COZ YOU ANNOY MY SISTER.

ehem..i mean, we have to forgive them ya? mwah
Esee said…
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Kath said…
What's smelly chicken white?

uH..haha thanks darling.

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