An Adventure?

An adventure I can do with out. Not really an adventure. Depends on how you see it. Haha.

Last Saturday, I went to SS15 to pack back lunch for me and my sisters, since my parents were in PJ buying stuff for CNY.

Food was bought, and we were on our way home (Eileen and I), suddenly, my car's brakes stopped working and the steering wheel got locked. I panicked, then the car went alright again, so I thought, ok and continued driving.

Less than 10 meters, the same thing happened. I panicked again! But we managed to switch to the last lane and I stopped driving from there on. Me, my sister and the car with its emergency lights on, stuck in front of EON bank junction in SS15. (Kind of a dangerous spot to stop, but the car was not to be moved!)

Our parents were far far away, so we called my godparents to come help us. Coincidentally, as they were coming to our rescue, their car battery died. So a few minutes was spent waiting for them.

While Eileen and I waited in the hot sun (I finally used an umbrella), these three men, came and asked if they could help us. They asked what's wrong with the car, then later suggested we move the car as it was blocking the junction. So we said ok, then one of the men moved our car in for us to the inner lane.

While he was driving, the car must have gave out again as he couldn't move!! Hahaha. (Kinda funny now) So now his two buddies went along and helped to push the car in. Really push. With own bare hands. I've seen this before, but never on our own car.

Well, they finally got it parked somewhere safer, so we thanked them and they left. Really, thank God for them.

The rest, you should guess. Godparents came, we walked to our friendly mechanic which was about 120 meters away from where the car was parked! And everything was settled from there.

Lesson : Me and my sister, we were really blessed.
Blessed that our car was stalled somewhere near home.
Blessed that our godparents were home.
Blessed for the three good men who helped us out.
Blessed that our regular mechanic was somewhere nearby too.
And also blessed, that this did not happen, should I be driving on my way to UTAR or back.

Problem with the car : Timing belt, hydraulic pump. And others I don't know about.


chian said…
u were really lucky :)

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