
I feel like blogging. But I have nothing to blog about. Nothing interesting or exciting yet. My brain cells are dead cause I am so tired.

I woke up later today, had only three hours of class, yet I am still so tired. Is there something wrong with me?

I just realized that among my friends, I am one of the fewer ones who have registered and are going to take part in the voting this coming election.

Just realized that this coming election has a lot of juicy things going on.

That not everything is what it seems.

That people are so easily manipulated into thinking something else.

That people do not see the bigger picture or the other point of view. They just think this is this and it is right.

Hel-lo??? Blind ah... or uneducated?

That there is only one contending party in my voting area. (Where's the thrill?) Edited - two new parties are coming in. PKR for parliamentary and DAP for state. Woo-hoo!!!

That some parties lack equal broadcasting rights..

Life's like that. It ain't so rosy or happy as we think it to be.

It's just a facade. Just a facade I tell you.

One minister commented today that rumour-mongering bloggers are cowards and a nuisance. Something about opposition parties using blogs.

Perhaps they have to resort to this as they do not get the coverage they need in our local media?
Our local media is owned by the government if you didn't know that. Which is okay I suppose. Now with The Sun being bought over by The Star, neutral points of view will become even rarer.

Oh well, won't comment much. You know what happens. Sigh.

Freedom of speech, freedom of press. Where on earth are YOU?!!!

Well, may the best party win! BE it BN, DAP, PKR or PAS. Do your best in campaigning. :)

On a more gleeful note, Edison Chen quits showbiz. Serves him right!! Ok, I pity him that his photos got stolen and spread out. But I certainly don't pity him for the grave he has dug for himself and the girls. Heard that the Hong Kong triad is after him too...


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