More Ranting

Upper body is currently aching from the pulling and balancing on top of water. Who knew that water games could be that strenuous? Got heat stroked... feeling hot with a runny nose to boot. This is getting to me. Stop being sick please...
I want to whine today.
My group mates are too laidback... they never seem to have any input into our group work. The ones who are discussing are just the two or three of us. There is no teamwork and no group leader. I for one, am not going to be the group leader. Why should I stress myself up? Yes, I want to be selfish and think of myself now. I don't want to think of everyone all the time! I am tired of being a mediator. Thank goodness I will only be with them for this trimester. Then, bye bye! Hasta la vista!
I don't feel like going to camp. I want my weekend to catch up on studies. Silly annoying camp... I don't want to crawl in mud, cross leech-infested rivers and eat fly-infested food. I don't want I don't want I don't want.
I'm quite disappointed with a classmate of mine. Sigh. I left class early the other week as I was really not feeling well and could barely listen to anything the lecturer was saying. She said that she would inform me if there is anything important. Guess what, a week after that class, I found out that we have two assignments to do. I got this from another classmate of mine who was asking me about it. My other classmate forgot to inform me about it.... It is not like her to do this. What on earth is going on? Why do people fail in communicating these basic information to others? I honestly do not understand...
Sorry, really irritated and not in a good mood, thus the whining.


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